Wednesday 28 May 2008

This is so very wrong...

I don't have much time for Simon Jenkins normally. He is usually so arse-full of himself that his manufactured 'opinion' what can I write today that is mildly outrageous that will get people worked up...demonstrate that he has no moorings of any kind other than his belief that having been born with fingers and supplied with a keyboard, he must be a writer.

After today I actually have less time for Mr Jenkins, but cannot let
this egregious shite-shower go without a forearm to his smug Swiss Smile. Like most of the MSM British political commentariat, Jenkins is pure arrogance coupled with a striking inability to say anything very interesting. He is consummately preoccupied with the superiority of the political class, and the rest of us can, well, get fucked.

Meandering (I really can't think of a better word) for just over 1,000 words on what an incompetent, impossible nut job Gordon Brown is and what a problem he is for the Labour party that has turned on him, he inserts this insulting absurdity into an otherwise unremarkable filler:

If I were Brown I would tell the whole lot of them to
get lost: "You acclaimed me, you voted for me, you wanted me and now you are
going to have me, the full distance to 2010." Since Blair made Labour's leaders
as impregnable as Castro, Brown's position is very strong. He has never been
overly concerned by the opinions, or interests, of his colleagues, and is
unlikely to start being interested now. Instead he has an ideal opportunity to
practise the old Trotskyite maxim, "weak is strong".

Errr....we didn't vote for him. There was no vote. Brown has no mandate from the voting public as to his prime ministerial role. Gordon Brown was foisted upon the country by a Labour party that has, for all intents and purposes, repudiated their own choice of PM and the manifesto it ran on in the 2005 election that returned the party to power.

Sorry, Jenkins old chap, but this isn't just a little disagreement between members of the Labour politburo we are talking about here. This is about the rest of us. The ones that swept Labour clean out of just about every place they stood for local election. The ones that put a Tory mayor in London. The ones that delivered an eye-watering shot to the nose in Crewe & Nantwich.

If we have to wait another year and a half to vote the rest of these little fuckwits out of office, so be it, but this suggestion, nay encouragement, that this monstrous sociopath do whatever he feels like in the meantime is beyond irresponsible. Brown should be tied to a chair and sedated until the time comes to remove his fat arse constitutionally. He should not be allowed to do or say anything that would cause any kind of action to be taken.

In the same way that a responsible member of the public would likely refrain from directing an arsonist laden with petrol and matches to your digs because they just happened to be there, we would ask that you undertake the same duty of care for the general public you so despise.

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