Saturday 27 November 2010

The Very Reverend Colin Slee

What a great man.  I disagreed with his politics and some of his ecclesiastical views, but when he would pick my daughter up and examine her Sunday school drawings and take the time to talk to us, it didn't matter. His sermons were things you remembered and his sense of humour was infectious.

Easter Sunday last before the service he admonished the congregation that the year prior there had been too many adults taking chocolate eggs, so this year it would be children only.  Then he decided mid-service that everyone was leaving immediately after the service for a Zimbabwe demo in the Strand and that the eggs would be given out at Communion.  I grabbed A and took her up with me and we both went to our knees at the bench.  The Dean came along and put his hand on A's head and gave her the blessing, and then pressed the wafer into my hand, intoning "The Body of Christ".  A, who is always hungry, leaned over to me and asked, "Daddy, what are you eating?  Is that a biscuit?"

She got her eggs. And she got her hugs from the Dean.  And we all had a lovely time.  And he will be missed greatly.

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