Thursday 14 October 2010

Is that the best you can do...?

Embedding is disabled on this YouTube clip from CBS News in the US, but watching it I felt a sense of utter revulsion. Who *is* this greaseball Axelrod? How did he get into a position of responsibility like he has today? What is he, chief of staff to the freaking President of the United States or something? He looks like he needs a good scrub to begin with...but the dry, sticky mouth shite at the end of this cringe-making exercise in the dismantling of a once-promising know, I was going to use a word like 'devastating' but the real word(s) for this are 'second rate', 'cheap', 'tawdry' and 'shit-stained'. How did these little arse-wipes get into office. How, FFS!!

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