Friday 23 November 2007


I found this story about a woman who aborted a child and had a hysterectomy to keep from 'polluting the planet' on Drudge...which is my way of pointing out that I don't spend a lot of time on the Daily Mail website...and had a "Madame Butterfly" moment (you know, the one that comes halfway through the final aria) when I shouted "SO DIE ALREADY!!" at the computer screen, much to the alarm of my work mates.

While this self-possessed, homicidal maniac alone provides adequate justification for Taunton and the surrounding area to be vapourised (I can add several other legitimate reasons), the least that someone who would utter these words...

"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet," says Toni, 35.

"Every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of over-population."

...can do is top themself. Now. But it's not really all about that, is it Toni. Making the ultimate sacrifice to 'save the planet'. It's about much more than that, or much less actually.

"I've never doubted that I made the right decision. Ed and I married in September 2002, and have a much nicer lifestyle as a result of not having children.

"We love walking and hiking, and we often go away for weekends.

"Every year, we also take a nice holiday - we've just come back from
South Africa.

"We feel we can have one long-haul flight a year, as we are vegan
and childless, thereby greatly reducing our carbon footprint and combating over-population.

"My only frustration is that other people are unable to accept my decision.

"When I tell people why I don't want children, they look at me as if I was planning to commit murder."

Planning?'ve already accomplished that you vapid, selfish slag. She, the other nauseating cow in the article and both their neutered partners need to have one last long-haul flight off the top of Swiss Re tower on a windy day.

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